First off, yes I am in support of gay marriage, but life will go on regardless what the courts decide. That's one thing I didn't mind seeing on Facebook: people simply stating their opinions and beliefs so others know. That is perfectly fine and no one is ever offended. Even just the red "equality" signs all around were very simple and peaceful ways to express views.
What I didn't enjoy seeing was the fighting and arguing between sides. No one party was more guilty than another, but they worked together to bring a horrible spirit and general anguish to everyone's Facebook page this week. I'm certain not one person wanted to post a simple declaration of belief in the morning and come back later to see two of their "friends" battling over which opinion was "right". In what world is this okay?
To those in support of gay marriage - Please stop viewing everything as an argument waiting to happen. Just because others do not feel the same way doesn't mean they're trying to hurt you or are filled with hate. Accept these differences and move on. You are helping no one's case by lashing out every chance you get.
To those in support of traditional marriage - I appreciate your views and opinions and understand where they're coming from. You have every right to feel the way you do. You do not, however, have the right to post comments and scriptures on your wall intended to cut down or demean those who feel differently than you. Do not declare to all of these individuals, many your own "friends", that they are led away by Satan because they're opinion is not the same. Do you realise just how many people you hurt and drive away? Did you not read the LDS Church's official response to this week? They made their stance clear but tread on no one to make it so:
"As a church, our doctrinal position is clear: any sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong, and we define marriage as between a man and a woman. However, that should never, ever be used as justification for unkindness. Jesus Christ, whom we follow, was clear in His condemnation of sexual immorality, but never cruel. His interest was always to lift the individual, never to tear down." - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints official statement
This weekend is Easter, a time we celebrate our Saviour and the amazing gifts he bestowed on us. Even for those who are not Christians, Easter and spring still bring feelings of brotherly love and tranquility. Have we not all done enough already to destroy that this week? In one way or another, we are all brothers and sisters. We share relationships with others to build each other up and feel loved and welcome, like a safe haven from a storm. We have this world to share, but if all we want to do is bicker among ourselves how can we ever hope to get along day to day? Christ did indeed teach love, respect, and tolerance. Why is it we often neglect our own actions and not follow that simple, perfect example?
As an Easter gift, here is an arrangement I wrote of my favourite hymn, "In Humility, Our Saviour". Let's remember what this time of year is supposed to be about and continue to practice love, tolerance, and kindness to all those around us. Lift an individual, never tear them down. Yay, Easter!
In Humility, Our Saviour