I chose "music pride" for two main reasons. First: as I've mentioned before I've always wanted to write a musical. I've attempted two other times, actually. The first one was to be called "Nichola & Garredd" and I was writing it with a friend; that's the show the Overture I posted came from. It never made it very far, but my second attempt fell apart even sooner since I hardly had any songs written before I gave up on it. It was meant to be a story of a bunch of young single adults living and learning in Logan. Clearly that worked. It went by the wayside when I felt impressed to write something else, something I'm trying to work on now.
Today, since it's my birthday (yay!), I wanted to post something different. These are "lyrics", for lack of a better term, for what I would like to be the opening number of the new show I'm working on. I have no idea what the music will sound like, but these words put into words how I feel about life sometimes.
"Life is always full of surprises.
That's a common fact, but if there's one thing we need to learn about those surprises, it's that they can completely ruin our plans.
You know those plans, right?
You've had them since you were little.
Your parents have, too.
In school, they had you call those plans "Dreams".
They taught classes on Dreams.
They always started with the same questions.
'What do you want to be when you grow up?'
'Where do you want to go to school?'
'What do you want to study?'
'What do you want to find in a girl or boy?'
It's always about 'want'.
They teach you that Wants and Dreams are the same.
Life has something else to say about that.
Life says that Dreams need to meet Reality.
Funny thing, Reality.
It's very unforgiving.
Before too long, Dreams find themselves in tatters on the floor.
Your dreams, usually.
But sometimes your parents' dreams, too.
That's when Pain rears its ugly head.
But I've found there's one thing - the only thing, really - that can ban Pain from Life and reshape Dreams, and that's
Not pious, not ego-driven.
Just sustaining, courage-breathing, self- and God-accepting
You, whomever is reading this, may have different ideas, but these thoughts get me through my day sometimes. I want my music to have this sort of effect on people so that more people can find that "Pride" for themselves and realise that life is good and they can make it. I guess that's kind of my whole point to this blog. I'm not doing it for selfish reasons, that's not why I want my music out there, I want to make a difference in even a few lives and then it's all worth it.
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