It's been a busy few months and I feel like I haven't accomplished a lot, even though I know that's not necessarily the case. I guess I'll just start at the beginning and work up till now.
I finished school! I am so excited to officially have my bachelor's! There was an intense amount of drama associated with my graduation but it all worked out in the end. It always puts such a downer on such a big accomplishment when a couple bad seeds in a department decide they simply don't want you to graduate but I've learned a lot through the process and it hasn't hindered my overwhelming love of Utah State one bit!
After that was all finalised I also landed my first "big-boy" job teaching choir at Sand Ridge Junior High. Yep, junior high schoolers. The final frontier that many only deign to survive in the education world. I'm actually really excited. Just this week I saw my new classroom for the first time and, though definitely a product of the 70's, it's a good space. I have a long way to go until the room is ready and no longer feels like my predecessor's room but for right now I'm considering it a work in progress.
Although my new school is near Ogden I've actually just moved to a new house in Midvale, which to many seems crazy but I promise I know what I'm doing. It's going to work out great. Besides, I love this house so much that I really don't care about the commute sometimes! Plus I have my own music room delineated from the rest of the house where I can work on school stuff, continue writing and arranging (which I promise I'll get back to soon), and start teaching private lessons. It makes me happy. ;)
Speaking of lessons, if anyone knows of anyone looking for a private voice teacher in the south Salt Lake area send them my way. There aren't a lot of music stores around for me to submit my name as a voice teacher and I don't know many locals so word of mouth will be important to me.
This is long post about a lot of boring things, but I'm feeling lucky and on-the-ball that I've even thought to post at all lately. I'm also totally willing to work on any arrangements for church or other things that people would like me to do so please hit me up. Thanks for reading!
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