It's now about a month into the school year and I think I'm starting to get the hang of everything. I no longer feel like I have a thousand new questions each day to ask someone about and my classes have finally gotten into a good groove and routine which makes class planning so much easier. The best part of it all is that my principal, apparently, thinks I'm doing a great job and is being super helpful and supportive.
Not everything has been smooth sailing. I've already had something stolen by a student. Luckily he went around bragging about it and they found him. He wasn't one of my students which was great to find out, but still not the best experience a new teacher could have. On second thought, maybe it was - call it a reality check.
By the way, it is extremely true that teachers hear some of the most amazing things from their students every day. Here's just a sample:
ME: Okay, everyone at measure 69. Ready, go . . . (silence)
STUDENT: Wait, were we supposed to be singing?
ME: What are we going to have on Wednesday?
ME: What are we having tomorrow?
ME: Get out a sheet of paper and get ready.
STUDENT: Wait, we're having a quiz?
Day of Parent-Teacher Conferences
STUDENT: (to a friend) I can't talk. I have to be good so Mr. Davis says good things about me to my parents tonight.
ME: Yes, because one day is going to make such a big difference on your record.
STUDENT: (said as fast as humanly possible) I really love music and being in orchestra and choir it's so much fun and I don't know if you knew or figured it out or if someone told you or anything but I have ADHD so that's why I have so much energy all the time and have a hard time staying still but luckily I have you first period and so I don't have as much energy then but just in case you didn't already know.
ME: Trust me, I knew.
That's just a tidbit. Anyways, I find that I already have had to plan out the Christmas concerts and so not only have I been busy listening to all the music I can to figure out a programme but I've also had to write a couple of arrangements myself. When you get to a point that you just desperately want to perform this particular piece but can't find a decent arrangement anywhere you decide it would be easier just to write it yourself. It's fortuitous, really, because then if anybody else is trying to plan a Christmas concert or programme then this post is pretty timely. Let me know what you think. It's a pretty simple arrangement but I didn't want to do too much to it. It's meant for a beginning choir so that's why the harmonies repeat quite a bit. Hopefully everyone else's year is starting out just as eventful as mine!